About This Journal
The International Journal of Communal and Transgenerational Trauma ( IJCTT ) is an international and interdisciplinary peer-reviewed journal of the International Humanistic Psychology Association (IHPA) and Common Bond Institute (CBI).
Diversity of Content
It is an innovative, virtual, open access, and free publication, spanning a number of related fields reflecting a whole-person, cross-cultural perspective and exploration of the psycho-emotional trauma experience, from the individual to the communal level. As such, it gathers and disseminates a diversity of content and format delving into the dynamics and multidimensional aspects and intersections of trauma, and the process of unresolved profound trauma extending into future generations as transgenerational trauma.
The journal’s mission is to inform, raise awareness among the professional and lay public, stimulate new thought and inquiry, invite cooperation and combined knowledge, promote the development and practical application of effective, culturally sensitive models and methods for prevention and healing, and inform public policy makers of communal and transgenerational trauma.
The IJCTT pursues a comprehensive approach to exploring the full range of human experience of trauma, including the reciprocal relationship between the individual and communal, and to promote a wide-angle perspective historically, anthropologically, globally, and at all levels of society, of both variety within this experience and universals consistent to all.
Advancing a whole-person approach to reflect the multifaceted nature of the trauma experience, and geared to both the professional and lay reader for the most accessibility to the widest readership, categories of content include a unique blend of formats:
- Scholarly Articles on Research, Theory, Application, and Policy
- Professional and Philosophical Perspectives
- Reviews of Publications, Media, and Programs
- Personal Perspectives
- Poetry, Spoken Word, Lyrics, and Short prose
- Art, Photography, and Graphics
- Multimedia (audio and video)
In addition to published content, the journal offers actionable features that include:
- Links to related organizations, events, programs, initiatives, and learning and training opportunities, including the Annual International Conference on Transgenerational Trauma.
- Development of a dedicated global networking and collaboration registry of researchers, theorists, practitioners, policy makers, and other key stakeholders for connecting with colleagues (an opt-in sign up list).
- A virtual resource library for sharing findings and tools in advancing overall progress in the field, and contributing to public awareness and understanding.
The virtual publication format offers a broad scope of flexibility and benefits that significantly enhance the sharing of information and resources:
- Increased ease of access for a larger population of readers globally, and increased global exposure for contributors.
- Increased capacity for the volume of material in each issue.
- Extensive use of active hyperlinks within the content body, allowing readers to quickly access original reference materials sited, related writings by the author(s), and other related sites and content on the general topic area.
- On-going immediate access to all archived past issues.
- The optional advantage and convenience for authors of editing or updating their content, as needed and mutually agreed to by the author(s) and editors, to promote availability of the most current and accurate information.
- The development and addition of future features and elements to augment the journal’s mission.
- Subscriptions:
– The journal is a free access publication to ensure availability to all globally, and relies on donations (tax deductible in the US) to continue providing and developing this free platform and service.
– An optional subscription allows readers to receive notices of upcoming issues and updates. - Options for accessing posted materials:
– On-line reading (by computer, pad, or mobile)
– Opening and downloading materials as formatted PDFs for viewing.
– Viewing or listening to multimedia content through the journal website’s media player feature. - Language:
The primary language for submissions and publication is English. 2-way Arabic translation is also being developed as an option for both submissions and publishing through collaboration with a Jordanian university. Future plans are to expand on language options.
In addition, the flexibility offered by an on-line journal allows for integrating web-based translation apps for any language to assist with at least basic translation. As translation technology improves this function will continue to be upgraded.
- Contributors from various fields and those with both professional and personal experiences with direct relevancy to the topic are welcome to submit material for consideration under any of the listed categories, other than scholarly articles.
- Scholarly article submissions are welcome from professional researchers, practitioners, academics, and policy makers.
- Submissions should be original contributions or reprints with authorization, and are subject to peer review.
– Submissions should be sent via the on-line submission form at: https://cttjournal.org/submission
– Email General Inquiries should be sent with Subject Heading: “ IJCTT Journal – Inquiry ”
to: Steve Olweean, Co-Editor at: SOlweean@aol.com
Myron Eshowsky, Co-Editor at: meshowsky49@gmail.com
Publication Calendar:
IJCTT is currently published 2 times a year, although periodically additional content may be posted between regular issues. Authors also have the option to subsequently update their material with approval of the editors. Such post-publication updates to content are marked as such, and any content with significant updates and edits is flagged as material recommended to be re-read.